This is me, Stéphanie, a thirtysomething living in The Netherlands. My hobbies include (but are not limited to) filling my online shopping cart but not placing an order, drinking a lot of tea, buying fabric and starting a new (craft) project before the last one is finished. Oh, and I’m pretty much always too late (ask my friends). I’m starting this blog in 2022, which is at least 10 years after blogs became fashionable, but whatever. I’ve had this domain name for about five years now, so it was about time 🙂
Before inheriting my grandmothers sewing machine in 2012, I had never sewn anything. Unless you count sewing on a button of that one thing you must wear to that thing you have, but in fact were already a bit late to going. But that sewing machine got it all started for me and opened the doors to the wonderful world of sewing! I discovered Pinterest and read endless sewing/craft blogs from all over the world.
Then I thought: I can do this too! I turned on the machine, figured out how to thread it and used a free Craftsy course to sew my first tote bag. I used an old pair of jeans, made the classic mistake of twisting one of the handles before sewing it on and learned that the burnt smell came from my foot pedal which hadn’t been used in years probably. I was SO excited that I had made something from nothing. After making another bag and a quilt I moved to Spain without my sewing machine.
Fast forward to 2018 when I was back in The Netherlands and decided that, after stalking Instagram for a long time, it was time I tried sewing garments. The feeling of finishing my first dress was amazing and I haven’t stopped since. Until now I’ve only documented my makes on Instagram, but lately I’ve found myself wandering back to reading blogs for fitting, sizing and fabric advice. So I’m hoping this blog can be useful for others and be a record for myself of what I’ve made.